Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Crime Fiction 2

Surprise, surprise! I am again at a loose end this evening before retiring to read more of Neal Stephenson’s latest novel Reamde, which I have been enjoying immensely and trying to eke out as long as I can.

So, to continue with detective fiction, firstly with the novels of Nicholas Blake , the pseudonym under which Cecil Day Lewis penned detective novels. His prime detective is Nigel Strangeways, based originally, according to Wikipedia, on the poet W. H. Auden. He’s rather effete I thought when I recently reread one of the books The Widow’s Cruise it was.  Still the books are civilised and quite readable.

blake_widowscruise blake_snowman
blake_wormofdeath blake_sadvariety


Gore Vidal , author of many mainstream novels, wrote several detective stories under the name of Edgar Box. I appear to have only one of them – Death Likes It Hot with a rather good cover.


Starring Inspector John Coffin, Gwendoline Butler’s mystery novels are first class – suspenseful and gripping page turners. I collected a number of them in various editions, displayed below.

butler_coffinforpandora butler coffinforthecanary
butler_coffin_darknumber butler_coffin_paperman

butler_coffinfrom past

And to finish this post, a stray Raymond Chandler novel – The Lady in the Lake, Pan edition published in 1979.


Coming next – Sherlock Holmes

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