Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crime Fiction 6

To continue with crime fiction, first up tonight are two novels in the Lovejoy series, written by Jonathan Gash pseudonym of John Grant, a medical practitioner. Lovejoy is an antiques dealer, and on the side engages in a spot of detective work. The books were made into a television series in the 1980s. They make for a light-hearted, entertaining read.

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Next, another Hamlyn Whodunnit, this time by old style crime novelist Michael Gilbert.


I have read only one novel by American noir detective novelist Stephen GreenleafBookcase, and I suppose you can guess why I was attracted to it. It’s quite a good novel as a matter of fact and the paperback has a great cover.


Dorothy B Hughes is another old time hard boiled detective  writer. Several of her detective novels were made into films, and starred such leading lights as Humphrey Bogart, John Garfield & Robert Montgomery. I have her three best known novels in uniform paperback editions published by Bantam in 1979.

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And to finish this post, a lone non Penguin Michael Innes novel, Appleby on Ararat. This novel is one of his most eccentric stories and highly amusing. This edition was published by Perennial Library in 1983.


More crime fiction to follow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there Anne, I despise horse racing, but I am sorry I gave you such a hard time in your blog. I bid you a farewell