Saturday, December 19, 2009

Archaeology, History and Mythology

I think it was reading Gods, Graves, & Scholars by C W Ceram that gave me an interest in archaeology. I recently reread it and it is still a terrifically entertaining history of archaeology.


I can’t think of a more appropriately named author than P V Glob for The Bog People.


The Piltdown Men relates to a famous archaeological fraud. And The End of Atlantis by J V Luce

piltdown_men endofatlantis

Another book on Atlantis or Mu as it was sometimes called in the 1970s. Also Pauwells & Berger’s The Dawn of Magic.

mu dawnofmagic

Proof copies of The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell, rather the worst for wear.

campbell_masksofgod_1 campbell_masksofgod_2

And finally –The Spanish Conquistadors by F A Kirkpatrick


Next – miscellaneous non fiction

Friday, December 18, 2009

Arthurian Britain

After shamefully neglecting this blog from August, I was suddenly overcome with an urge to continue it, as I assure you I have always intended to do so.

It has been bubbling up inside me for a couple of weeks and I’m steeling myself to scan some of the fiction shelves on the large bookshelf whilst I’m on leave over Christmas.

So tonight, I present for your delectation various books on King Arthur and an ancient Britain theme, which obviously fascinated me at one time. I do have an Everyman’s edition of “Le Morte D’Arthur” somewhere or other which will be shown later.

A stray Pelican first, and a few popular titles to complement it.

I can’t say I’ve seen these books around in the stores lately…

arthurs_britain ashe_camelot
ashe_quest_arthursbritain glastonbury_legends
kingarthur mysterious_britain


Next : Archaeology

Monday, August 31, 2009

Feminism & Anarchy

Do the two above social philosophies go together? For me they do, as I recall that when I first discovered feminism, I also was a member of TREASON, the Anarchist Club at Melbourne University in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Consequently I collected books on these subjects as below.

Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch was for me probably the most influential of the various feminist texts published in the 1970s. It was a book that everyone read at the time, both men and women. I also remember being impressed by Ingrid Bengis’ Combat in the Erogenous Zone.

Femaleeunuch bengis_combat
Then there is The Dialectic of Sex by the wonderfully named Shulamith Firestone.

dialectic of sex

Emma Goldman actually provides the link between Feminism and Anarchism. I did have both volumes of her biography, but Volume One has gone astray.


A couple of other books on Anarchism…

anarchism social_anarchism

Next – more New Age type stuff.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Penguin Books – Pelicans – Politics, Sociology & Psychiatry

Pelicans are of course the non fiction imprint of Penguin. They encompass a wide variety of topics, from politics, to art, to sociology, to history and literature.

I have a smallish collection of Pelicans quite probably mostly acquired through the auspices of my friend who worked for Penguin.

Politics and Revolutionaries

anarchism_woodcock debray_revolution marx_selectedwritings

che_cuban_revolution che_guerilla_warfare
gomulka superman_commonman
tawney_radical ullmann_political_thought_middle_ages


Sociology & Psychiatry

elites freud




Next - more Pelicans

Pelicans – History, Literature & Art

augustine_city bonilla_servants_of God
early_medieval druids


european_expansion flaubert
graves_greek_myths1 musical_instruments
history_france romanreadings


englishprose guide_englit usesofliteracy

Finally – three Australian Pelicans

boyd_aust_home boyd_aust_ugliness conservation

Next – general non fiction