Thursday, December 4, 2014

Penguin Modern Classics 7–Miscellaneous

This post will display the final books in my Penguin Modern Classics collection, and encompasses authors from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, India, Australia and Russia.

The first is Nobel Prize winning novelist,  Elias Canetti’s Auto Da Fé, a book which I remember reading and not liking much, though at Space Age Books, where I worked in the ‘70s, it was something of a best seller.

I don’t recall ever reading Karel Capek’s Apocryphal Tales, so how the book ended up on my shelves I haven’t a clue, though it has a great cover with art by Max Ernst. Capek  is credited with creating the term “robot” (in his  novel R.U.R)

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1973 edition – “Roter Kopf” by Otto Dix 1975 edition – “Europe After the Rain” by Max Ernst

Next, three novels by Joseph Conrad, who is well known as the author of Heart of Darkness, of which I do not have a copy, though I recall reading it way back when.

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1965 edition – portrait of Conrad 1963 edition – portrait of Conrad by Walter Tittle


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1969 edition – “Evening in Karl Johan Street Oslo” by Edvard Munch

The next book is a curious and comical picaresque novel by G. V. Desani titled All About H. Haterr. It is written in idiosyncratic Anglo Indian prose, and tells the story of the  hapless eponymous hero’s  adventures in his search for wisdom and enlightenment. I loved this novel when I first read it back in the early 1970s, so must reread it sometime.

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1972 edition – “Two Saints in a Landscape” by F.N, Souza

Patrick White, though English born, is acclaimed in Australia as one its greatest writers. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. I must admit that I’m not all that great a fan of his books, and have not, as far as I recall, read any of them, though come to think of it, perhaps I tried to read one of them and didn’t finish it.

I have two of them in Penguin Modern Classics editions.

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1967 edition  - cover art by Sidney Nolan 1973 edition – “Still Life with Self Portrait” by John Brack

The final book in Penguin Modern Classics is We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, a chilling dystopian forerunner and source  of inspiration for Orwell’s 1984.

As with just about all of the 1960s and 70s Penguin Modern Classics it has appropriate art work on the cover.

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1972 edition – “Suprematist Composition” by Casimir Malevich

Next I will present old standard “orange” Penguins of which I have a fair collection, and many have really stylish covers.