Saturday, July 9, 2011

Crime - Penguin Crime 2

Tsk tsk, I have been remiss once more in not posting anything new on this blog for a while.

To make up for it, here are a few more books in the Penguin Crime series.

Continuing alphabetically, first off the rank is The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes edited by Hugh Greene who was the elder brother of Graham Greene, and Director General of the BBC from 1960 – 1969.  He edited several crime anthologies and was creative consultant to the TV Series of the same name. The Penguin edition below was published in 1972.

greene_rivalsof sherlock holmes1972

William Haggard was an English writer of fictional spy thrillers set in the 1960s through the 1980s. Venetian Blind is one of them though I can’t remember a thing about it. The Penguin edition pictured was published in 1964.


Michael Innes, was the pseudonym of academic J.I.M Stewart, under which he wrote many detective stories, most of them featuring Scotland Yard Detective Inspector John Appleby.

I’m a great fan of Michael Innes detective stories. They have devilishly clever plots, are crazily eccentric and above all, are great fun. I have quite a collection of his books in Penguin Crime editions, most I must admit I purchased fairly recently second-hand though they are oldish editions with classy covers, dating from the 1960’s.

innes_allington1970 innes_applbysend1969
innes_bloodywood1968 innes_connoisseurs1966


innes_honeybath1981jpg innes_openhouse1973


The two omnibuses below were purchased in the 1980’s.

innes_omnibus1 innes_omnibus2

Coming up – PD James and other classics of Penguin Crime